Mario bourdon - general manager

- Arboriculture Certificates Training & Education Canada:
- Climbing, fall arrest and height positioning techniques;
- Controlled tree felling at heights;
- Certified Chain saw operator with:
- Ontario Council for Training and Adjustment of the Workforce;
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR);
- Pruning Course at Alfred College and the University of Guelph;
- Forest Exterminator licensed under the Ontario Pesticides Act;
- MRNO Certified Tree Marker;
- Certified Education Program, Project Wild, OMNO Focus on Forests and Fish Water Ways Leader;
- S100 and S200 certified by the OMNR Forest Fire Service;
- Certified Chainsaw Instructor;
- Stewardship Plan Approver for the Amended Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP);
- Capture and management of wildlife;
- Working at Heights (ASI).
Related Skills
- Teaching the following courses at la Cité Collégiale:
- Wildlife identification
- Forest pathology and Entomology
- Forest Fire prevention
- Team Lead for the Ice Storm Relief Program in Prescott & Russell. Assigned to Larose forest, local farms and Maple stands.
- Forest Firefighter for the OMNR, Haliburton District.
- Supervised students planting trees in different ecological sites.

Volunteering and Wildlife Projets
- Ornithological participation for the annual Christmas bird census. (Ontario Christmas Bird Count);
- Participation in the Ontario Wild Turkey Resettlement Program in Prescott and Russell;
- Bat inventories at Voyageur Provincial Park;
- Ornithological surveys (Monitoring Bird Survey);
- Preparation of study sites in Voyageur Provincial Park;
- Bibliographic and scientific research of multiple species inhabiting our forests;
- Creation and Presentation of ornithological workshops for groups;
- Trail guide with groups of youth and adults;
- Construction and installation of birdhouses and various bird species;
- Annual Ontario Nest Records Scheme for the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

Forestry Techniques

Wildlife management Techniques

Safety Specialists
Caroline Goulet - Planning Assistant

A member of the team since 2014, Caroline is a Registered Professional Forester (R.P.F.) who specializes in stewardship plans for the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP). Always enthusiastic, she will be able to guide you throughout the process.
Contact me at (613) 487-2085 for more information!
Bachelor of Forest Management at the University of Moncton, Edmundston Campus;
Certificate of Technology Program in Forest and Wildlife Environment from la Cité;
Arboriculture Training and Education Canada:
- Climbing, Fall arrest and Height Positioning Techniques;
- Tree Dynamics & Integrated Risk Assessment;
Capture and management of wildlife;
ISA Certified Arborist;
Registered Professional Forester (OPFA);
- Working at Heights (ASI);
- Chainsaw instructor;
- Forestry Pesticide Applicator Licence.
Vincent Provencal - Crew boss

Vinc has been a member of the team at TTS since the spring of 2022. Yes, his first season with the team was right after Eastern Ontario was hit by the Derecho. We kept telling him that the workload was unusual and that things should get back to normal soon. But, that didn’t bother Vinc, he stayed with the team. A few years later, he is now an indispensable team leader.
Vinc was born and raised in Hearst and became an avid hunter and angler. After high school, he went to la Cité for the 2-year machinist program, but decided to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and became a heavy equipment mechanic. He worked 10 years as a mechanic, including 7 in camps located in northern Alberta and British Columbia.
After having 2 boys one after the other, Vinc decided it was time to spend more time with the family at home and it was time to try something new. After the storm of spring 2022, he said to himself that if anyone wanted to get into the tree business, this was the opportunity, and he did the career change. He confirms (and we quote): “It was the best decision I ever made”; and TTS couldn't agree more!
Mechanical Engineering Technician Program Certificate;
Certificate from Arboriculture Training and Education Canada:
- Course on Modern Tree Climbing Systems;
Working at Height (ASI).
Mattwan Bourdon - Groundsman

Mattwan has been a member of the team since spring 2023. Son of the boss, he had big shoes to fill, which he did with diligence and professionalism.
TTS is proud to have this young man full of potential on the team, and encourages him to continue his good work and explore his interests.